Q: I have really been into HIT lately, but I am losing strength, overall, on it. Is this normal to start HIT training and find that the second workout with the same body part finds you weaker?
A: A lot of factors play into whether you feel weaker or not. Rest, food and recovery are key. So is water intake and pre-workout supplementation. Use creatine for pre-workouts, eat enough calories (though not right before you train because that can sap your strength too, believe it or not), and check to see that you’re not low in T3 levels (get a blood test) have Mononucleosis, or that you are sleep deprived.
Your diet may be good, but it may also not be giving you the nutrients you need.
A lot of people think, “I’m taking in 4000 cals/day so I know I’m getting all my vitamins and minerals and other nutrients” but that’s not always the case. Take an animal type pack of vitamins daily that have ultra-intensity in mind. You’re using a LOT more than your girlfriend or mom and dad.
The other big thing is that I don’t know exactly what you’re doing. Write back to me and I can better assess your routine.
You might be overdoing it and taking too little rest in between. That will surely sap your strength and actually, is probably the most obvious answer.