Q: Okay, I’m confused about cardio workouts and how to use them to achieve fat loss, but to not do them to excess so that I lose a ton of […]
How You’ll Know You’ve Hit Your Bench Press Plateau
Q: I seem to have hit a strength plateau on my bench press? Any suggestions on how I can break through it? A: The first thing you need to do […]
What You Should Know About The Arnold Press
Q: What is the Arnold press and why should I use it to build my shoulders? A: This is an adaptation of the standard military press with dumbbells, devised by […]
What Is An Appropriate Age To Start Lifting
Q: What is an appropriate age for kids to start lifting weights? A: For decades we were fed the line that kids under 15 were not yet ready for weight […]
The Smith Machine For Bench Pressing
Q: I’ve noticed some guys at the gym doing their bench presses on the Smith Machine. My partner says that this is a waste of time and will never yield […]
The Ideal Rep Ranges For A Bodybuilder
Q: I know I’m not the first person to ever ask about rep ranges. It may sound like a boring question, but I am curious to know where my own […]
The Advantages Of The EZ Bar
Q: Is there any advantage to using the EZ curl bar? A: The short answer is no. The longer answer is still no, but if you’ve got wrist problems it […]
Danger Zone: Behind The Neck Press
Q: A trainer at my gym came running over the other day and told me to stop doing the behind the neck shoulder press because it was ruining my shoulder […]
18 Ways To Arm Yourself
Your mission, if you choose to accept it is to lift, scream, and strain your way to the biggest, and most ripped arms imaginable. We’ll warn you ahead of time, […]
10 Weeks To Boomin’ Biceps
Having full, pumped biceps with distinct peaks is the classic sign of a true bodybuilder. But what if you’re a serious guy who trains them every week, only to find […]