Women are always viewed as dormant party in the sport of weight lifting. This is a fallacious perception which should be rectified. How to correct this mistake is a matter […]
Prison Bodybuilding: The Lowdown On Getting HUGE On Lockdown
You have seen inmates and ex-cons depicted in movies and television. Men hardened by the cruelties and isolation of stone walls. You have seen them in news footages and documentaries. […]
Keys To Attaining A Balanced Workout During Your Bodybuilding Training
Body building must create a balanced synergy between the appropriate nutrition requirements, occasional aerobic exercises, and the intense but brief weight exercises, in the training program. The key to successful […]
Dense Delts Diversify Your Shoulder Workout
It would be easy to feature a garden-variety delt article that talked about well-rounded training and the use of specialized sets, such as giant sets or drop sets, and it […]
How Long You Should Rest Between Sets
Q: I’ve heard a lot of different opinions on how long you should rest between sets. Can you set the record straight on how long to rest between sets for […]
Why You Should Pyramid Those Shoulders
Pyramiding your sets is simple, and it can be used to ensure that you are adequately hitting both the slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers. Not only does this give your […]
How You Can Trick The Traps Into Growth
The trapezium is a tricky muscle group. Train it too much, and your upper body loses its V-shape and aesthetics. Train it too little, and you look like a pencil […]
What To Do If You Have An Imbalance In Muscle Mass
Q: I began working out about 4 months ago. Recently, I started finally seeing some appreciable results. My arms are getting tones, my legs are starting to take some real […]
The Purpose Of Weight Belts
Q: I’m getting conflicting advice about wearing a weight belt. Some say you need it to protect the lower back while others tell me I’ll never develop supportive strength around […]
Learn To Squat: Squatting Ain’t For Sissies!
Talk about excuses! I’ve got a bad back. My knees are shot. It’s torture on my neck… yadda, yadda, yadda. You’d think the gym was hosting the local octogenarian crochet […]