How To Avoid Bicep Pains After Training

how to avoid bicep pains after training

Q:  I experience a lot of pain in my biceps when I train them. It’s not injury pain, its excruciating lactic acid pain, I guess, and it actually makes me feel angry.  Is there any way I can avoid this?

A: Well, of course, lactic acid sets in earlier for some people than for others, but there are ways to increase your tolerance for lactic acid build up. Mostly, that’s working through the barrier of pain. But we know what you mean about pain so bad it angers you. And I don’t think that’s a response to AAS use along with it, because at least 3 of us here have had that feeling and not been on a cycle.

We suggest maybe you take one aspect of your training and change it at a time, so you know what works and what doesn’t. By that, we mean, eliminate one thing – either lower the weight and continue what you’re doing and see if you have the same amount of LA build up, or lower the number of reps and see what happens.

One thing that helps a great deal is to drink a LOT of water before, during and after workouts. And in the days in between when you rest, this clears away residual LA so that you don’t have any old LA trapped in muscles going into a workout.  You may only be able to do a certain number of reps with a certain % of max weight each workout. Let us know what happens…