Author: rxbodybuilders

Training to failure is a popular technique used by bodybuilders to deliver as much growth as humanly possible. By pushing a muscle group beyond its limitations, you tear down enough new muscle fibers to ensure some new muscle growth. However, very often, bodybuilders place themselves at substantial risk when training in this manner. They use sloppy form or movements which leave the weight suspended over their head right about the time muscular failure arrives. It’s far better to plan for failure by selecting movements which can be completed safely. Here are some movements that work well, sorted by body part.…

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Walk into any gym and look for the bodybuilders training shoulders. An interesting tidbit right off the bat is that you probably won’t see all that many bodybuilders even bothering with hitting their shoulders. It turns out most bodybuilders place more emphasis upon the chest, arm, back, and even leg muscles. The shoulders enjoy their secondary stimulation from hitting the chest and back. Occasionally, you’ll run into a dedicated bodybuilder who manages to fit in that 5th and final day for shoulders each week. This is admirable, albeit rare. Okay, back to the gym. You finally find the guys training…

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Anabolic steroids certainly have plenty of benefits for which so many people tend to use this product according to their need and demand. You must need to explore the main uses and benefits of such steroids before you decide to go for it. Benefits of anabolic steroids It goes without saying that you will be benefitted of using anabolic steroids of your choice. This is why you are required to go for Anabolic Steroids for sale USA. But it is essential for you to clearly know the exact uses and perks of using such products. This is how you will…

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Q: I have some stiffness and pain in my right side spinal erector. It started being stiff about a week ago when I awoke in the morning and I have a lot of pain when I tilt my neck forward or do crunches. Massage helped a little and I got some ART done, but it feels the same. What can I do to get rid of this? I would have thought the Active Release Therapy would have worked. A: You are on the right track, probably, but the thing is you have to go more often to the chiropractor or…

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For some of the bodybuilders in this demanding profession, impatience leads to a hunt for a plan that will bring out the strongest person in you, if only for short-term gains. This will require a combination of a meal plan, a gym training program and plenty of rest. The shortcut is not really a shortcut as such. You can never look like a real weightlifter if you don’t do the things that define weightlifting. The safety of the procedures which you follow depends on the advice which you get. Hard gainers can benefit from an enhanced progress if they try…

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Q: I have seen some products being sold as “fat loss creams” and I am very skeptical about them. Do you know of any clinical evidence to show their effectiveness? If they work, I would be the perfect candidate but I don’t want to waste my money. A: Sorry for the long explanation but this is one of those things that makes it tough for a lot of people in the supplement industry – or any industry for that matter. Back in the late ‘80’s a study revealed the effectiveness of a transdermal (through the skin) yohimbe, forskolin, and aminophylline…

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Q: I’ve managed to break the habits of a lifetime and differentiate between good and bad fats, and now it’s time to focus in on carbs. Can you give some advice on choosing the best carbohydrate sources? A: Sure thing. When it comes to choosing the right types of carbohydrate, it pays to have a little knowledge about the different categories that are available. Carbs can be divided into two basic categories; simple and complex. Simple carbs consists of a single sugar molecule (monosaccharide) or two single sugar molecules linked together (disaccharide). Because they have an uncomplicated make-up, simple carbs…

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When you lift heavy weights or spend 30 or more minutes on cardiovascular training, you’re going to become thirsty. Here are some beverages to consume – or avoid – the next time you’re in the gym! Water What else is there to say? Your muscles are made of it, it’s extremely cheap, and it’s the most widely used gym beverage in the country and the world. You should be drinking one-half to one full gallon each day, plus a few cups while you train. Gatorade For many years, Gatorade was the beverage of choice for many athletes in many arenas,…

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Q: In your opinion, what is the ultimate bodybuilding exercise? A: That’s a tough one, and almost impossible to answer, but since you asked for our “opinion”, it’s just like asking your buddies (but maybe we’re a little more informed), so here goes… In order to call something the “ultimate” exercise, we’d say that it would have to hinge on how well that exercise worked all around. We’re assuming that means that you are asking, what does the absolute MOST for you, and is capable of transforming the physique more than any other. Well, truth is, we’d probably say squats…

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It’s calf day. You may have done this a million times, in which case this article will be nothing more than a convenient review tool for you. Maybe you’re still in your first two years of training, in which case it’s just been a few hundred times you’ve entered the gym intent on pushing your calf muscles to their absolute breaking point. Whichever the case, this article should help you to develop a better sense of how to piece together the many components of a good calf day into one complete workout Warm-up Always begin your calf workout with 10…

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