Finding the ideal number of minutes to spend on cardio each week is an individual practice which will never be the same for two different athletes. Goals, experience, and levels […]
Training Tips
Solutions For Your Home Cardio Training
Whether preparing for an upcoming show, or just trying to keep body fat low, cardiovascular training is an important part of all bodybuilders’ routines. When trying to add mass, cardio […]
Training Tips That Help Develop Your Muscle Mass
In bodybuilding the emphasis is very much on the amount of muscle mass that you have in the body. A good illustration is seen almost on a daily basis. Suppose […]
How To Adjust Your Training Routine From Off-Season To Pre-Contest Mode
Q: I’m an intermediate bodybuilder who has never competed before. I wish to complete in a show in 4 months, and will begin my pre-contest diet in a few weeks. […]
Selecting The Right Grips and Angles
When it comes to training the muscles of the body, slight variations on the angles of exercises can have a profound effect upon the number and location of muscles fibers […]
How To Avoid Adding Body Fat During Your Off-Season Training
Recently, a very high-profile amateur bodybuilder added 80 pounds in the off-season. Competing at 255 pounds as a super heavyweight, he moved his bodyweight up to 330 pounds. It was […]
Bodybuilding Training Tips For Underweight Bodybuilders
You’ve tried everything to get big. Yet it’s still not happening. You’re still severely underweight. But why? You work your tail off in the gym. You eat everything in sight. […]
Forearm Workout Training Tips
Bodybuilders like Bill Pearl and Casey Viator exemplified outstanding forearms in the 1950s and 1960s. In the 1970s, Sergio Olivia was king of the forearms. The 1980s saw thick, insane […]
Reasons Why Cardio Training and Squat Workouts Do Not Mix
It’s very hard for a man to serve two masters. The goals and means to reach these goals will often be different, which could result in not only wasted efforts, […]
Bodybuilding Training Tips For Any Season
A bodybuilder should be able prepare personally towards a specific desired goal, from competitions, contests to a mild contest between gym mates. In essence, lots of fatal blows await bodybuilders […]