For most men of average height (5’7” to 5’10”) who engage in weight training, hitting the 200-pound mark at under 15% body fat marks the transition between beginner and intermediate […]
Bodybuilding Training: Breaking The 200-Pound Mark

For most men of average height (5’7” to 5’10”) who engage in weight training, hitting the 200-pound mark at under 15% body fat marks the transition between beginner and intermediate […]
Q: I’ve suffered a lot of depression recently coming off of my AAS cycles. I was wondering if there were over the counter or prescription anti-depressants that might help me. […]
Q: I’ve managed to break the habits of a lifetime and differentiate between good and bad fats, and now it’s time to focus in on carbs. Can you give some […]
In the 1970s, bodybuilding supplements were only available through mail order, from those little ads you saw in the muscle magazines. The powders arrived and tasted like shredded cardboard. You […]
For bodybuilders, there are advantages to consuming different proteins at different times in order to garner the most advantage from their daily schedules. Let’s delve deeper into the four primary […]
DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness, is something that all bodybuilders are familiar with. It’s that recognizable feeling of stiffness that you wake up with after a tough workout the […]
Q: A friend of mine said that taking CLA really helps with fat loss and contest prep. Any truth to that? A: CLA isn’t really one of those things that […]
Q: I am having a debate with my Mom and I need your help to convince her that supplements are safe. She thinks because I’m 16 that I shouldn’t be […]
Nowadays many pharmaceutical companies and nutrition experts come up with pick up lines on how their products offer the best solution to losing fat. What many people fail to understand […]
One of the reason people are believed to be using steroids is that all other methods are deemed to have failed to deliver the desired muscle size. In some other […]