Training to failure is a popular technique used by bodybuilders to deliver as much growth as humanly possible. By pushing a muscle group beyond its limitations, you tear down enough […]
Supersets For Shoulder Development
Most bodybuilding training involves a fairly straightforward set routine in the gym. You complete a set, you wait 60 to 180 sets, and then you complete another set. This “lift, […]
True Dumbbell Rowing – Gironda Style!
If you have a well-developed back, then you already know the importance of barbell rowing. It’s essential for developing thickness in the upper back, and for lats that can best […]
Straps – An Unnecessary Crutch On Back Day?
The forearms, or the hand grip more specifically, are often the most likely single point of failure on back exercises. Many bodybuilders find themselves reaching the point of failure on […]
Want Bigger Lats – Chin-Ups And Pull-Downs
Q: If you had to do just one exercise for your lats, which would you think is better: Chins or pull downs? A: I hate those “If you were stranded […]
Using A Reverse Hyper-Extension Machine
Q: My gym has a reverse hyper-extension machine – that has a half circle you lay over and lift from your legs for low back work, instead of at your […]
Dense Delts Diversify Your Shoulder Workout
It would be easy to feature a garden-variety delt article that talked about well-rounded training and the use of specialized sets, such as giant sets or drop sets, and it […]
Why You Should Pyramid Those Shoulders
Pyramiding your sets is simple, and it can be used to ensure that you are adequately hitting both the slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers. Not only does this give your […]
How You Can Trick The Traps Into Growth
The trapezium is a tricky muscle group. Train it too much, and your upper body loses its V-shape and aesthetics. Train it too little, and you look like a pencil […]