Breaking Bench Press Sticking Points

breaking bench press sticking points

You bench like your life depends upon it, and you usually see gains. Until now. Something has changed. You’ve hit that proverbial wall, you assume, because no matter what you do, your bench press just won’t increase any more. Have you reached your potential? Is it time to train for cuts? Don’t give up just yet. Here are a few tips for breaking a bench press sticking point!

Add some mass to your triceps

Many bodybuilders fail at new gains on the bench press because they’ve simply maxed out their arm strength. Adding a heavy round of close-grip triceps presses to the tail end of your bench press, as you begin the triceps routine, should be very useful in adding some thickness to your upper arms. This will translate to greater grip and lockout, which may get you through whatever sticking point which is currently holding you up.

Add some food to your plate

If you’re trying to grow your numbers, then you need to grow your strength. Something is obviously missing. One of the most important factors in growing is food. If you’ve gotten lazy about getting all your meals in, or you have stopped making any gains on the scale, it’s probably time to re-evaluate your diet and add an additional 400 to 600 calories to your daily menu.

Add a stimulant

If you’re already dependent upon a caffeine supplement or drink to get you through your workout, you probably need to cut back consumption so that they’ll have some effect upon you. If you’re not currently classified as an addict, you should consider the moderate use of a 200 mg caffeine pill or an energy drink from your gym on those days when you’re trying to bench more than you’ve previously achieved.

Add a buddy

The motivation you receive from a buddy screaming derogatory phrases at you can go a long way in helping you to lift as you have never lifted. The presence of a spotter will also help you to safely push for these new boundaries. Find someone who is responsible and at similar strength levels, if at all possible. Work out a communication system and track one another’s progress

Run a cycle

If you’re a lifetime natural, ignore this advice. If you are a past or potential future steroid user, you should be aware of the fact that users of AAS do see a sizable increase in their bench press strength while running a cycle. This is not to endorse the breaking of any laws. Consult your physician for more information on steroids, and to see if you have a need for a testosterone boost. Your bench press numbers will see a boost as well!

Be patient

There are always going to be times when you just don’t make gains for a while. Your body may be adjusting to nw stressors, or you muscles may need time to work up to the next 5-pound increment. As long as you’re eating enough calories and getting enough sleep, it’ll just take some slight adjustments to training, and a little time, and you’ll start seeing some gains in your bench press numbers.